
Ancramdale, Columbia County (is not in Alaska) it's 100 miles North of New York City, it is a mix of farming and horse country with the odd artist here and there...its quiet.
This blog is to show a little snap shot of life up here.

Karen Caldicott
contact karen @ karencaldicott dot com

Monday, November 10, 2008


Fall almost over, the firewood just about ready.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

12503 Buildings

Above, my place with fall color

This spot is where I'll be posting images of various buildings.... including the quirky farm or derelict trailers that pop up in this serene setting and make it all the more interesting, more as I find them....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

At the Polling station

A quiet setting for this momentous day.
And above, Ellen Freestone on duty with the curtain, plus most importantly tea was available.

Its hunting season, but this is a safe day.